How did you first learn about Argos Solutions?
We came across Argos Solutions from their connection with Allied Distribution Finance, and Matt Stevens. We know them well at ADF, so when we needed a system we spoke to them about what they have in place and Argos Solutions came highly recommended from Matt.
What problems were the Bank of Queensland trying to solve or what business goals were you hoping to achieve by using Argos Solutions?
Our part within the Bank of Queensland is to run the floor plan business, and we were looking for a system that was fit for purpose for us. We were looking for a system as well that was developed for the ‘local’ market, a lot of the other providers we had spoken to were international and had systems developed for the American and British markets, that were just not fit for purpose.
What were some of your potential concerns around using Argos Solutions for Bank of Queensland?
The size of the organisation. We are used to dealing with much larger vendors, so there were some initial concerns there. However, once we met the team and started dealing with Greg and the team we felt very comfortable.
What gave you the confidence to use Argos Solutions in your business?
Our face to face meeting, the understanding they have and their confidence through their years of experience. Knowing that it wasn’t just a one-man band involved, and that there is a whole team behind the software.
What are some of the things you like about using Argos Solutions?
The system itself is intuitive. Also, the ease of doing business with Argos Solutions. Developing the statements of work and the requirements process is all made easier because Argos understands our business we don’t have to educate them on what floor plan finance is or anything like that.
What are some of the benefits you have enjoyed by using Argos Solutions?
With previous systems, we have had to have workarounds and manual requirements, but with Argos, we have been able to capture everything and do it all within the one system, for our first stage of implementation at least anyway. We have been able to customise the software to meet our individual business requirements, without too much apparent effort, which makes it very good for our team to work with.
Why would you highly recommend Argos Solutions to other finance companies?
The ease of access as Argos operates on the same time zone as us, well near enough. Also, the experience, service, knowledge and the people. Argos are good people to deal with.
What else would you like to say to someone who is considering using Argos in their finance business?
Don’t let the apparent size of Argos put you off, they are definitely worth meeting with and discussing your business requirements. The service they have provided to us has been second to none.